Thursday, 29 November 2007

What a year......

Well this year has been quite a year. I have done much this year but scrapping wise one of the biggest things I did was compete in an online competition....I guess I can say which one. It was Embellished Idol. It is done like "Australian Idol" in that every week you get a challenge then it is voted on by members of the forum, and those with the least votes are out of the competition. It was a bit step for me because I feel so inadiquate amoungst a lot of other scrappers. Needless to say I didn't win....LOL, but I was happy with how I went.

Here are the layouts I did for the competition.

this was challenge one - a sketch challenge. I turned the sketch on it's side.this was challenge 2 - we havd to use paint strips in the Lo and only the colours on the strip.
Challenge 3 - was to use tags on the lo. I made a tag book and attatched it to the LO.
A close up of the book

Challenge #4 was to use no photo bigger than 2 inch by 3 you can see I did a montage.

Challenge #5 was to do a layout without using traditional adhesives...... so I turned my layout
into a pin board.

Challenge #6 was a hybrid layout, some digital elements scrapped traditionally.

So I was happy with how far I got in the competition.....and who knows what will happen next year.......IF I ENTER!

Wednesday, 21 November 2007

OK Second time around!

Ok well I have decided to get my blog out of moth balls and start sharing work here and just updating people on my life (not that is is very exciting). So stay tuned for some of my creations and notterings.